Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
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News Headlines:

Greek crisis to affect Turkey, minister says

Araz News:  The financial crisis in neighboring Greece is surely going to affect Turkey, the country’s European Union Minister Volkan Bozkir said on Tuesday.

Bozkir told Anadolu Agency that Turkey is closely watching developments in Athens, adding that Turkey desires a solution for Greece’s financial crisis.

Bozkir said there is nothing on the table for providing financial aid to Greece. “Also, there has been no request (from Athens),” Bozkir added.

Previously, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has expressed Turkey’s readiness to discuss joint steps to help Greece survive its financial crisis.

“We are ready to do the necessary as best as we can in cooperation in areas including tourism, energy, and trade,” he told the press in Ankara on Tuesday.

reprinted from trend

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