Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Europe, it is time to stop playing with the Land of Fire. You can get burned

Araz News via trend: Azerbaijan is known worldwide as the Land of Fire, and today Europe is playing with that fire. The result of playing with fire is for Europe itself to decide. But all the recent actions taken by the European countries’ leaders suggest that they aren’t complying with the “don’t play with fire!” rule.

The entire world’s attention was focused on the opening of the European Games in Baku. But at the same time, this same place witnessed another important event.

The heads of states, which today decide the fate of Europe’s security, gathered in Baku, however, Europe itself, because of its own stupidity, was not represented.

The presidents of Russia, Turkey and Turkmenistan, Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, arrived in Azerbaijan to take part in the opening ceremony of the Baku 2015 European Games.

The realization of such projects as the Southern Gas Corridor (Azerbaijan and Turkey), Turkish Stream (Turkey and Russia), and the Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline (Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan) depends exactly on these countries.

The heads of these states didn’t just enjoy the grand opening show, didn’t just support their athletes, but also held quite fruitful talks in Baku, during which they also discussed energy projects.

Suffice it to say that the presidents of Russia and Turkey, only, held negotiations for 2.5 hours.

The European leaders, who are being led by their own ambitions and unfounded claims against Azerbaijan, are today sacrificing their citizens’ energy security, in particular the stable gas supplies.

Many countries of South-Eastern Europe somehow tried to be represented in this ceremony. Presidents of Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgarian prime minister, parliament heads of other Eastern European countries visited Baku. Namely they, like no one else in Europe, understand the gas supply problems, especially in winter.

The issue of interruption in natural gas supplies has never been on the agenda of Western Europe. Therefore, the ambitious western politicians leave vulnerable not only their citizens, but also the entire South and East Europe. Isn’t it time for European leaders to stop thinking about Azerbaijan and instead care about their own citizens?

Due to these ambitions, today, Western Europe can’t see the obvious fact – its energy security issue is resolved by others and Europe tries to make these “others” its enemies.

Presence or absence of the leaders of European countries didn’t and couldn’t affect the grandiosity of the opening ceremony of the European Games. So, who lost more? – Azerbaijan, which is holding the Games and has gas resources able to ensure Europe’s energy security, or Europe which needs Azerbaijan? This is a rhetorical question.

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