Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Azerbaijan to donate 2 million euros to Afghanistan National Army Trust Fund

BAKU, Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan contributes significantly to NATO’s Resolute Support Mission (RSM) in Afghanistan by providing troops, multimodal transit, training and financial assistance, said Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov May 13.

Mammadyarov, as Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry told Trend, made the remarks addressing a meeting of the foreign ministers of the states contributing to the RSM.

The minister said Azerbaijan has already made one million euros donations to the Afghanistan National Army (ANA) Trust Fund in 2012, and will further donate two million euros to ANA Trust Fund by late 2017.

“But experience of the last decade demonstrated that military assistance alone is not enough for establishing sustainable peace in Afghanistan,” he said. “Therefore, my country’s contribution to the stability of Afghanistan goes well beyond of our involvement in NATO operations.”

Mammadyarov said Azerbaijan supports Afghanistan on its path towards self-reliance by enhancing practical contributions in the areas of education and training, infrastructure development, investments, and financial aid.

“ADA University in Azerbaijan holds annual governance trainings for Afghan officials in addition to NATO trainings at its facilities, our Mine Agency provides mine-awareness projects, Ministry of Emergency is about to sign a memorandum to allow Afghan nationals to have a full 4-year education at its Academy, and we are building a school in Afghanistan,” he noted.

The minister added that the Azerbaijani government covers all expenses.

“We also need to help Afghan government in its vast reform agenda,” Mammadyarov further said. “Transport infrastructure is a very important part of it. We should link Afghanistan and Europe in the shortest way possible.”

He also said that the new Alat Sea Port on the Caspian shore of Azerbaijan and Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, linking Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan, will bring its added-values in this regard and beyond, restoring the ancient Silk Road.

“Last, but not least, future of Afghanistan will also very much depend on the neighbors and we should all help to make Afghanistan story a successful one,” said the minister.

 Reprinted from
May 13, 2015 

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