Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Iran’s Esteghlal fans insulted the Azerbaijani people and fans of Trakhtur Azerbaijan + Video

Araz News: Iran’s Esteghlal fans released a video which Contains insults and slanderous words against the people of Azerbaijan and the fans of  Trakhtur Azerbaijan.

The 2-minute video was prepared by a man who called Moiinoddin-Mohammadi . He invited all Esteghlal fans to come stadium and support his team against  the mortal enemy means the Azerbaijani team (Trakhtur).

The video showed that  support Esteghlal means support whole Iran and attending  Esteghlal fans in  the stadium is like a war against their enemis (the Azerbaijani people and fans of  Trakhtur Azerbaijan).

In this video also mentioned the Azerbaijani people like “Demon”,”Enemy of Iran”,”Naughty”. In one of the images of this video one of Iran’s Esteghlal fans used   The fascist Nazi symbols.


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