Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Protests turned violent in Soyugh Bulagh of Azerbaijan

Araz News: Thursday 17 of May, many people of Soyugh Bulagh  (Mahabad – West Azerbaijan province)

Gathered and protested in front of hotel Tara because of a girl who had committed suicide to escape rape.

According to the report of Araz news, this girl (Some sources have mentioned the name of the girl Farinaz Khosravani) was hostess  Hotel Tara and three days ago, she  down from the fourth floor of the hotel and was killed  to escape the person who was appointed to the Iranian security forces.

Pictures of the security forces and anti-riot units have been published in the place more than a dozen people have been arrested by special forces.

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