Saturday 29 March 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Azerbaijan Nation-Wide Movement Document Center will go into action

“Azerbaijan Nation-Wide Movement Document Center” will go into action soon. “Azerbaijan Nation-wide Movement Document Center” will start their actions soon and they bring together the written, pictural, and voiced archive of South Azerbaijan national struggle  from the 1905 Consitutional Revolution to today. This center is contain itself within “Hazer Civilisation, Cultur and Social Enlightenment Association” and this center will start the under Researcher Writer Ali Asghar Haghdar. This center set a target the collecting and classification the documents that is about (South) “Azerbaijan Nation-Wide Movement” and present this documents who need it. This center consist of two section which are digital and substantial an in this context books, magazines, documents, speechs, events, videos, and sound recordings and etc. Materials will be categorise and archived and present the people.

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