Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Turkish Audiences shout slogan “We are Turkish, We cannot obey to cruelty” in Urmiye Volleyball Match

Wendsday there was a match between Şehrdari Volleyball Team (Urmiye city representative) and Peykan Volleyball team(Tahran city representative) in Kadir Saloon in Urmiye but there was a incident that stamp in the match. Şehrdari Volleyball Team left the match because of the bad judgment of referee. Sasan Hudaperest who is the head coach of Urmiye representative give an interview to newspapers about lefting the match in 10th week of superleauge because of the bad unjust judgments of referees gave. Journalist ask the head coach of Şehrdari Volleyball Team this question: “Why did you left the game?” He answer this question as “They cut of my team in my city, How can i be silence of this problem” he said. He also said that “Refferee made fault decisions until the 5th set but in the 5th set the fault decisions increase and as a result Şehrdari’s right did violated. If referee did not give bad judgments our teams could won” he said. The citizens who participate the game as a audience, shout national slogan all of the game. Citizens respond the bad and unjustful decisions that referee gave to Urmiye team “We are Turkish, We cannot obey to cruelty” and “Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan”.

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