Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Iran Regime Sent Snipers to A Peaceful Protest in support of “Parviz Hadi “

Araz News:  Dozens of South Azerbaijan people gathered in front of the Tabriz governor to support the South Azerbaijani wrestlers “Parviz Hadi” on the 11 of July. They demanded an investigation of officials and Azerbaijani parliamentarians to the injustice against the top World Heavyweight Wrestler Mr. Parviz Hadi.

In one of the pictures published on social networks is shown that Snipers were stationed on the roof of the historic mansion of Tabriz municipality. Security forces and police have also been in the place.

According to the report of Araz News agency, more than 50 South Azerbaijan people were gathered at the Peaceful Protest in front of the Tabriz governor to support their Pehlivan.

Parviz Hadi in an interview with the Fars News agency said:’ qualifying match was planned by Iran wrestling Authorities to eliminate me from Olympic, and, I never forgive Mr. Khadem (head coach of the national freestyle wrestling team) for this injustice.”

He continued:” Wrestling qualifiers to be held in late April that the tournament did not go for heavy weight and federation announced that the qualifying match between me and Komeil Ghasemi will not be held and in a foreign tournament will determine who will go to the Olympic.”

International wrestling heavyweight added:’ I played the most critical matches in World Wrestling Cup in America and if I lost Iran’s team was not even took in the third place. After the tournament of Armenia  Mr. Khadem told me that you selected for Rio Olympic Games. However, wrestling qualifiers were held without planning.  Due to my respect to the technical staff of wrestling team I attended in qualifying match.”

Finally, he added that a total of three game ratings was higher than the total ratings of Komeil Ghasemi and it’s 11 to 6 .However, Komeil Ghasemi was selected for Rio Olympic Games and this is an obvious injustice to me.

He stated :” I will be indebted to the people of Azerbaijan either go to Olympic or not, because the kindness of South Azerbaijan people is more valuable than earning thousands of Olympic medals for me.”

It should be mentioned that South Azerbaijan people, Local media, Mr. Pezeshkian the representative of Tabriz in parliament and Mr. Nadir Gazipur  the representative of Urmia city  in parliament are pursuing the situation of the South Azerbaijani wrestlers “Parviz Hadi”.

Araz News will be monitor any further development.




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