Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Protesters in Yerevan put forward ultimatum to the president

Araz News: Demonstrators in Yerevan demanded the Armenian president to cancel the increase in tariffs for electricity, RIA Novosti reported.

The demonstration required till the first August to cancel the decision to raise electricity tariffs.

Activists intend to continue protests if the conditions will not met.

According to report of Trend Agency, the protests take place since evening of June 23 on one of the main streets of Yerevan – Marshal Baghramian Avenue. It has been barricaded by plastic garbage cans in the central streets of the city. The police called the demonstrators for returning the garbage cans but they ignored.

A coordination protest group, discussing Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan’s proposal about a meeting, failed to resolve the issue of the delegation staff. Moreover, many protesters expressed their negative attitude to the idea of ​​the meeting, initiated by the president.

It was announced at the rally that a group of young activists began a sit-in demonstration in the second largest city of Armenia – Gyumri. The protesters urged to start similar rallies in other cities too.

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