Monday 23 December 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Political activist’s wife threatened in the workplace

Araz news: The wife of imprisoned South Azerbaijani political Dr. Latif Hasani was threatened to stop her advocacy work by her employer. Ms. Azam Piri was issued a warning to halt complaints against the company, or she would be “charged with political activity in the workplace.”

Piri, responsible for Quality Control at the Tea Zarnush Company, had been advocating for workers’ rights. While she is still employed by the company, she has recently pressured by the managing director.

Tea Zarnush CEO Mr. Ali Naseri Esmaili and his brother, who happens to be a lawyer, have been threatening Ms. Piri to withdraw her complaints against the company or face being charged with colluding with her husband in his political activities.

It is not uncommon for the families of political prisoners to be threatened and put under duress. They are often summoned to the offices of security apparatuses, threatened with being laid off of work, subjected to fines by their employers etc.

South Azerbaijani political activist Dr. Latif Hasani, along with Mahmud Fazli, Shrahram Radmehr, Ayetmehrali Beyglu and Behbud Gholizadeh, were arrested were arrested in 2012. The five are members of the central committee of the Azerbaijani national rights group “YENI GAMOH.” They have all been sentenced to 9 years in prison.

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