Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:


Araz news: Turkish communities in Austria, Canada and the U.S. on Friday protested against Armenian “genocide” claims.

In Vienna, Ottawa and Los Angeles, thousands of Turks held demonstrations to counter demands for the deaths of Armenians during World War I to be recognized as “genocide.”

Der Standard newspaper reported that around 4,500 Turks gathered in Vienna to decry attempts to label the incidents of 1915 as “genocide,” a claim Turkeyrefutes. On Wednesday, the Austrian parliament recognized the “genocide,” leading Turkey to recall its ambassador.

Austrian police arrested one person at the demonstration after objects were thrown between Turkish protesters and a group backing the Armenian claims. Three people were slightly injured.

In Los Angeles, a Turkish counter-demonstration was held outside the Turkish consulate calling for an “end to lies.” The Los Angeles Times said around 30 Turkish demonstrators faced a 100,000-strong pro-Armenian protest. Around 200,000 Armenian-Americans live in southern California, the largest in the U.S.

Around 1,000 Turks also gathered outside parliament in the Canadian capital of Ottawa.

The 1915 events took place during World War I when a portion of the Armenian population living in the Ottoman Empire sided with the invading Russians and revolted.

Turkey has called for the establishment of a joint commission of historians and the opening of archives to study and uncover what happened between the Ottoman Empire and its Armenian citizens.

The relocation by the Ottomans of Armenians in eastern Anatolia following the revolts resulted in numerous casualties. Turkey does not dispute that there were casualties on both sides, but rejects the definition of “genocide.”


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