Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:


Araz news:  Baku, April 26 – The special ceremony took place in the ancient and sacred temple of Ateshgah, Baku.

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, his wife, chairperson of the Baku-2015 First European Games Organizing Committee Mehriban Aliyeva, President of the European Olympic Committees Patrick Hickey, attended the event, along with EOC Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi, CoCom Chair Spyros Capralos and 150 distinguished guests.

Ateshgah, one of Azerbaijan’s most remarkable landmarks, stands on a site renowned for its naturally occurring flames, sacred to Zoroastrian fire worshippers for centuries. In a throw back to Ancient Greece where the Olympic Flame was kindled from the rays of the sun, Azerbaijan, ‘the land of Fire’ captured the flame for the first European Games from the earth.

In his welcome address President Aliyev said: “The Torch Relay we will launch this evening will be an inspirational journey around Azerbaijan, led by torchbearers representing all sections of our community. It will showcase our country’s captivating natural beauty, while continuing to involve our entire population in the Games, in the spirit of unity and celebration through sport.”

President Hickey who praised Azerbaijan and all of its preparations to date said: “The Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect are perfectly expressed through the Torch Relay. By passing the flame from one to another in a collaborative gesture, torchbearers spread a message of peace, friendship and celebration through sport.
Baku 2015 will come to life through the dedication and effort of your entire country. It has been an absolute pleasure working with the Azerbaijani leadership. Your professionalism and focus has never failed to impress us.”

A display of national dancing and musical performances was part of the celebration of the Journey of the Flame before the President, First Lady and President Hickey entered the ancient temple to capture the flame. An impressive pyrotechnic display erupted the moment the Torch was lit.

Olympic handball Champion Rafiga Shabanova then received the flame and became the European Games first torchbearer as the President passed the torch to her and she began the Journey of the Flame.

The flame will travel the length and breadth of the country around regions of Azerbaijan for 47 days before being delivered to the Baku Olympic Center for the Opening Ceremony.

The torch measures 660mm high, and its body features a pomegranate tree, echoing the Baku 2015 brand. The copper head that protects the flame is also in the form of a pomegranate – its 50 pips representing the number of nations participating in the Games.

At each location, the flame will be transferred to an oil-fired lamp, based on an iconic Azerbaijani design incorporating the pomegranate tree motive from the torch and games identity.

There will be more than 1,000 torchbearers in total. The torch will be transported over ground by bus, funicular railway and bicycle; underground on the Baku metro; on water by boat; and in the air by plane. The flame will travel nearly 5,500 km.

Commemorative Baku 2015 Lamps will be left at each of the venues visited, remaining lit for the duration of the Games.

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